
May 15,2011 just catching up

I haven't written anything in a very long time, mainly because I began working full time late last year and found it more and more difficult to commit to writing daily in my blog.  And I haven't been studying the bible like I should. Thank goodness God is faithful and forgiving, and loves us unconditionally.

I have also had some health issues - my thyroid levels got low, and my medication needed changed. I also  began taking vitamins. Both of these changes have helped a lot!  Our bodies are complex and when one little gland doesn't work right it throws the whole body off. I became a little depressed, didn't do much except work and housework. Unfortunately the changes were so gradual I don't notice how bad it is until I get a medical check up. Now I have more energy, and a more positive outlook on life. Whew, hope I stay this way!

Today is Sunday. It is not a pretty spring day here in Indiana. It has been drizzling since last night and it is almost 6 pm. Last Sunday, Mother's Day, my daughter helped build me 2 more square foot gardens!   Yesterday, Saturday, I had some top soil delivered for the new gardens. The dirt is now in the boxes but it has been drizzling all day long, so I will have to wait for another day to plant tomatoes. I think this is lesson in patience. My little gardens are small but I get much pleasure tending them. I have two gardens that are 3 by 4 feet in diameter, and one garden is 3 by 3 feet. The 3 by 3 foot garden will be for rhubarb, and the other two are vegetable gardens. In the one garden I have lettuce, peas, radishes, and carrots planted. Carrots are slow growing and I haven't seen them peak through the ground yet, but the others are growing nicely. The new one will have mostly tomatoes. Its been a very cool spring here in Indiana - even the farmers are behind planting corn.

I added pictures of my twin granddaughters! Wow - what an answer to prayer!  They are 7 months old now, as healthy as can be, and perfect in every way! They are soooo cute! And they know it :-).  As you can imagine though, they are a lot of work. When I come home from babysitting them along with their brother and sister, I'm exhausted. I don't know how my son and daughter in law do it, but they do :-). I have two other grandchildren - two boys ages 4 and 8. These are the good years raising children I think. Past the baby stage not yet teens. Still love to visit Grandma's house :-). As a parent we don't notice day by day how fast our children grow and change, and as a Grandparent, I cherish each moment I spend with all my grandchildren because I know how fast they grow up!

I bought a Nook Color reader device New Year's Eve. I have enjoyed reading books this way. I have three versions of the bible on my nook, and I have to say the Bible and Cook Books - its easier to read the old fashioned pick up a book and read that way. You can create notes and highlight in books so that is plus. However - reading books LOVE IT! Many books on my nook I have gotten through free downloads.  One good resource is called vessel project, and they list free Christian books you can download. You can download and read on your computer too without a nook.  I have enjoyed reading these books. I have also learned just cause a book is free, it doesn't mean its worth reading. I have tried new authors, different venues than I would ordinarily read. Some of them are good, some I delete after reading a few pages. Its like tv, garbage in garbage out. If there is a lot of swearing and sex - delete!  Maybe those books have violence in them too, I just never get that far. What I really like about the Nook is I can download books from the library, and when the three weeks are up, they just go away. No more late fees!

OK - when am I going to get back on the bible study bandwagon??? My 3 year bible study guideline - Exodus - started yesterday. I will do some double duty and catch up. We will read Exodus 1-13 by May 27th, then pick up in Acts on the 28th in Acts 12:25 through the month of June.

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