Nature photos

I enjoy photography, here are some recent pictures I took. Enjoy :-).

Photos taken at Fort Wayne Children's Zoo

Two serious monkeys.

I took many pictures of the coral reef at the zoo, and was thrilled to get a few pictures that aren't really fuzzy looking.

I found this picture of the storks amusing, they are grooming themselves opposite to each other. 

I notice a lot of animals in the zoo hang out in pairs :-).

A little boy was feeding this giraffe some lettuce.  Let us remember that we should eat our veggies, some animals think they are a wonderful treat!

Two crowned cranes.

Great White Pelican. There were two pelicans together, I liked this picture the best of the pelicans.

Wildebeasts. They peacefully co-exist with zebras and birds.

Little waterfall at the zoo.

A zebra grazing.

I took the two photos below in my back yard. 

These are photos I took Aug 15, 2010 at Foster Park, Fort Wayne Indiana

butterfly on butterfly bush taken Aug 15, 10

         Cabin at Foster Park.

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