
Nov 1, 2010 2 Peter 3:11-18

I am way behind so sorry. Will wrap up 2 Peter today, Nov 15. This section on 2 Peter encourages us to have hope in Christ. He will return a second time, and those of us who are Christians will be ready for his second coming.

Verses 11-13 Peter tells us to live holy lives in anticipation of Christ's return.  The earth as we know it now will be destroyed and God will create a new earth. If we live holy lives the second return will come faster - we want Christ to reign. Living holy lives will lead others to Christ and when the whole world knows of Christ, this is when he will come again. Verse 13 says we are looking forward to a new earth, a new heaven and a new righteousness.

Verses 14-16 Be diligent in our walk with God. Be without sin. That is tough but day by day we can strive to be more like Christ. Paul wrote of these things too. Both Peter and Paul's teachings can be hard to understand at times, but God gives us wisdom to understand as we grow in the faith. Our church motto is "His word our Walk" and I have discovered this to be so true. We read his word and walk in his path, and as we mature we come to more fully understand Christ.

Verses 17-18 The conclusion - be on guard against evil doers and false teachers, and grow in grace and  knowledge of our Lord. Amen.

David Guzik from Enduring Word has 4 definitions of amen and I am sharing them with you.

·       It expresses the desire of the heart.
·       It expresses the affirmation of our faith.
·       It expresses the joy of the heart.
·       It expresses the declaration of resolution.


I think this is a good way to end 2 Peter with an amen.

Father God,  I thank you for the wise words of Peter. I have strayed a little from my daily blog and I am sorry for that. I don't always understand what the bible has to say so I avoid it. This is not wise. I know that. I don't pray any less but I don't push myself to learn more about you Lord. I am thankful for a new day a new week that I can get back on track. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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