
Oct 29, 2010 2 Peter 1:12-22

Today we continue Peter's letter - Peter is setting down the basics of the Christian life and we continue on today finishing up chapter 1.

Verse 12 Peter wants those who read his letter to remember the truth of Jesus Christ even though they already know it.

Verses 13-14 Peter knows his life will end soon because he will be persecuted for his faith.

Verse 15 - Peter's desire is that his words will carry on after he has died. Wouldn't you want to hang on to every word that Peter spoke - after he sat at the feet of Christ for 3 years?  He wants to pass on what he has learned to future generations.

Verses 16-18 Peter recounts the transfiguration of Christ. Peter and many others were eyewitnesses to this event. This proves the creditability of Christ. And the proof that Peter wasn't just seeing things.  Many heard God say from heaven "this is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."

Verse 19 Prophecy - old testament prophecies came true and we should take heed about future prophecies.
There are over 300 accounts of Christ's prophecy that came true in the old testament.

Verses 20-21 Prophecy is not man made but came from God, made evident through the Holy Spirit.

Father God, We thank you for the words of Peter as he writes to fellow believers. He knows his time on earth is ending soon, and wants others to know what he learned sitting at the feet of Jesus. For those who don't believe he provided accounts that others saw too including the transfiguration of Christ. We thank you for this documentation for those who may doubt your word. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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