
Nov 3, 2010 Jude 1:17

Today, Nov 2nd - my daughter in law's grandmother died this morning. I don't know much about her, except my daughter in law loved her very much. It's also election day in the USA.

I am thankful today for my grandmothers of whom I am a part of. One grandmother I didn't know well because she lived in another country but my Grandma who lived near me when I was growing up - I loved her dearly and I know she loved me. My Grandma's house was always spotless and everything in her home had a place. My home sometimes gets messy and out of control and I wonder how Grandma kept her house so neat and tidy :-). I think of her often - she loved God, loved her family. Her ministry was sending cards to sick people.

And now on to Jude - and he continues to warn against certain people, those who turn from God.

Verses 17-18 Jude tells us not to be like these certain people. Stay focused on God.  There will always be mockers.

Verses 19- These certain people are sensual people - not necessarily sexual but selfish - live in the moment.

Verses 20-21 How can we avoid these people? The next few verses helps us. 20-21 we should look inward,  Keep loving God, build each other up, and pray with the holy spirit.

Verses 22-23 Outwardly we should view certain people with compassion, befriending them, walking along side them in hopes we can bring them back to the Lord.

Verse 24 Jude ends with a doxology  - praising God.

Father God - we thank you for giving us discernment - warnings against certain people, and how to live and we give you the glory.  In Jesus name we pray Amen.

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