
Aug 15, 2010, I Chronicles 22:2-19

Today's study is about David arranging for the building of the temple. If you don't have a bible, you can go to www.biblegateway.com and read along. This is a good passage to be reading this time of the year as we think of our children/grandchildren getting ready for the new school year. We want to lay down a good foundation for our children both at home and in school.

Verse 2 - David decided to begin the groundwork needed to build the temple  - he hires stone cutters, metal for the nails, cedar logs for the building. The scripture says David has so much of everything they can't count or weigh the materials.  David spares no expense for this temple!

Verses 6-10  David tells Solomon that he wanted to build a temple for the Lord, but God told David that he had fought in too many battles, and shed too much blood to build the temple. David's mission was to be a warrior and build up Israel, and the temple will be built in peaceful times. Solomon will be a man of peace and rest. David tells Solomon what God promised him in  I Chronicles chapter 17 - that Solomon will build the temple - he will be my son and I will be his father and God will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. This means that Christ will come from the line of David.

Verses 11- 13 David then instructs Solomon regarding how to have a personal relationship with God for when Solomon becomes ruler over Israel.  David tells Solomon to pray and study God's word.  And David tells his son to be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or discouraged.

Verses 14-16 David tells Solomon how much he has provided to ensure that the temple will be built - he provided materials and man power. He ends with 'now begin the work and may the Lord be with you.'

Verses 17-19 David then orders all the leaders of Israel to help his son Solomon. David tells his leaders all that God has done for Israel and ends saying to devote their hearts to the Lord and build the temple so that the ark of the covenant.

Father God - we thank you for today's passage. David provides for his son's physical tools to build the temple, and instructs him the spiritual tools necessary to succeed in life. We ask that you give us guidance and direction today to instruct our children in the way they should go. We ask that if our children stray they will remember what they been taught, and return to you, Lord. We pray today for the teachers as our children start a new school year, and we pray for all the Sunday School teachers who have the heart teach our children.  And I ask as a grandmother that any influence I have on my grandchildren will be pleasing and God honoring to you too. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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