
Aug 21, 2010 Psalms 107:33-43

Today's reading finishes up Psalm 107, which we discussed yesterday. A little review - the first part of the psalms talked about 4 types of distress - wanderers, prisoners, sick, and storm tossed. God will help us in our times of distress. When we sin, we can turn to God and he will forgive us.  So, lets read today's reading.

Verses 33-37 God gives us many blessings, but he will take them away if we sin. He will turn fruitful land into a desert.

Verse 38 -he blessed them and their numbers greatly increased - God blessed Abraham and promised to make him a great nation. Genesis 12:2

Verses 39-40 But their numbers decreased - and they were humbled by oppression, calamity and sorrow.

Verse 42 - God cares for the needy. The upright will rejoice but the wicked will shut their mouths.

Verse 43 - Whoever is wise let him heed these things and consider the great love of the Lord.

What do these verses say to me today? The words in  verse 43 jumped out at me "whoever is wise". My hope and prayer today is that we will seek God's counsel today. Read the bible, pray, and worship him.  When we do this we will experience peace in this often chaotic world.

Father God, we contemplate today all you have done for us, we thank you for how you have blessed us in the past.  As I watch the rain gently falling on our parched lawns this morning I ask that you refresh our souls with your living water. If we have become complacent we ask for your forgiveness and turn towards you again and away from our selfish desires and motivations. We ask that you help carry us through the difficult times we are having today. We ask for wisdom to guide us where ever we are at this moment. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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