
Aug 9, 2010 I Chronicles 13-14

Lots to discuss in Chapters 13 and 14 today. First, if you don't have a bible, you can go to http://www.biblegateway.com/ and search for I Chronicles 13-14.

Yesterday we discussed after was David banished from Saul, 120,000 warriors come join him armed for  battle to make David King over Israel.

Chapter 13 verse 1 begins with David consulting with his officers and commanders regarding bringing the Ark of God, also called Ark of the covenant, to Jerusalem. David wants the ark to be back in the center of the Israelites lives, in Jerusalem. David received the support of all of his army to bring the ark to Jerusalem.  I noticed David asks his men first and says "if it is the will of God" we will do this. David had good intentions wanting the Ark back in the center of his kingdom, but I don't see David asking God to transport the ark.

The ark is the most sacred object of the Jewish faith. It holds the 10 commandments, a jar of manna, and the miraculous stick Aaron used. The ark is only to be tended by the Levites as God directed in Numbers 4:5-15. God commanded that if anyone touched the ark who was not a Levite he would be instantly killed. 

Verse 7 David assigns Uzzah and Ahio to guide the cart holding the ark back to Jerusalem. Uzzah is not a Levite.

Verse 8 David and all the Israelites celebrated with song. It was a joyous occasion.

Verse 10 - When the ark reaches the threshing floor of Kidon, Uzzah reaches and touches the ark when an ox stumbles. God instantly kills him. Uzzah had the best of intentions protecting the ark - however he disobeyed God's instructions. In a way David disobeyed God too - he should have had a Levite, a priest in charge of moving and protecting the ark. 

Verses 12-13 - David realizes his disobedience to God transporting the ark, so he leaves the ark with Obed-Edom the Gittite, who is a Levite until David can figure out how to get the ark to Jerusalem.  Again, I realize David had the best of intentions but you hear David asking God how will he ever get the Ark back to his town?  David took matters into his own hands and a man was killed because of it.  Today we need to the same - ask not what we want but ask what God's plan is. 

Verse 14 The ark remains at Obed-Edom's home and God blesses his family. God is just and fair.

Chapter 14
David begins building his palace. King Hiram of Tyre sends men and lumber to help David build a palace.  God has made David highly exalted for the sake of his people.

David also takes more wives at this time. Having more than one wife was the custom of the day but that is not in God's plan. Deuteronomy 17:14-17 discusses the king's responsibilities and verse 17 says the king must not take many wives or his heart will be led astray. Genesis 2:24 - this verse is about marriage - a man and a woman shall leave their parents and become one.

David defeats the Phillistines. 
Verses 8 -17.  Now we see David asking God about battling the Phillistines in verse 10, and verse 14 David asks God how to defeat the Phillistines. David did as God commanded him and won the battle.

What do we learn from these chapters? First, we learn the consequences of doing things our way even if it is the best of intentions. Secondly we learn that when we ask God he will give us answers.  Last but not least we should be focused on God and not on man's culture. Live our lives according to God's will. It is so hard in today's society - study the scriptures - is what we are doing according to God's plan or man's way?

Father God we thank you for the wise counsel given through your word today.  We learn that even with man's best intentions - we need to come before you and ask your will before carrying out important plans.
In these chapters we see what happens when we go our way, and when we follow your instructions. Amen.



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