
Aug 16, 2010 I Chronicles 23-24

Today's study - David is old and prepares to have his son Solomon King over Israel, and he delegates jobs picked from the Levite family line.  As always, please follow along in your bible or a free online bible site. www.Blueletterbible.org is a free bible site you can use.

I Chronicles 23
Verse 1 David is old and full of years and made is son Solomon King over Israel.

Verse 2-45 David assembles all the leaders of Israel and the Levites priests. God has set aside the Levites as one of the 12 tribes of Israel, to be priests and in charge of any temple duties. David does a census of the Levites, and this time the census is alright because it was about business, not to brag about personal gain (which we saw in I Chronicles 21). After the Levites were counted David assigns jobs to the Levites. 24,000 to supervise the building of the temple, 6000 will be judges and officials, 4000 will be gatekeepers, and 4000 will be musicians who's purpose is to praise the Lord with musical instruments that David will provide.

Verses 6-23. David assigns tasks to the families of the 3 sons of Levi, who are Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
Aaron is of the Kohath clan, son of Amram. Aaron's descendants were set apart, by God, to consecrate most holy things, offer sacrifices before the Lord and give blessings.

Verse 24-32 The Levites have been counted, and men aged 20 and older who were workers, were individually counted. David explains the duties of the Levites which was all inclusive from the grounds where the temple was located to the inside responsibilities.

Chapter 24 continues with delegations of jobs. Aaron's descendants are priests, and there are 24 groups of priests picked by impartially by lots. Verse 20-30 - the rest of the Levites were listed too.

Father God,  To do your work well, all aspects of your work needs to be accounted for, from start to finish, even business and administration needs to be done. You chose what our tasks (talents too)  will be, and we pray that we do what ever you give us with to the best of our abilities and for your glory.  We also realize that our heritage is important, and we are known by our family line. We ask that we bring honor to our family today.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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