
Aug 27, 2010 Psalm 115

Psalms 115-118 are traditionally sung at the Passover meal. If you would like to read more about the Passover meal, it is in Exodus, chapters 11 and 12. Please follow along in your bible as we read through Psalm 115.

Verses 1-3 We praise God because of his love and faithfulness. Other nations worship other gods but our God is a living God.

Verses 4-8 Is about idols or gods from other nations, and they are made by man.  Idols are made with silver and gold.  We have idols in the 21st century. We worship fame, power, wealth, etc. These idols or gods have mouths but cannot speak, eyes but cannot see, noses but cannot smell, hands but cannot feel, feet but cannot walk. What do idols do for us? Nothing! Now that is thought provoking isn't it? God is living and breathes live into us. He walks along side us, protects and guides us.

Verses 9-11 In Israel God has been their strength and shield, as a nation, and as an indiviual.

Verses 12-13 The Lord remembers us each one of us and blesses us. What a comfort that is. God blesses those who fear (have reverence for) him.

Verses 14-15 May the Lord make you increase both you and your children.  May we be blessed by the Lord.

Verses 16-18 The highest heavens belong to God and he has allows us to reside on the planet earth.  We, the living worship God and we will praise him forever and ever.

Father God - we thank you for this psalm of praise. This psalm reminds us that you are a living God, not a made up god in our minds or made with our hands. We search our hearts and seek to remove these lifeless idols and fill up our hearts and minds to worship you Lord. We worship you with awe and reverence. We praise you for all that you have done! You are our help in our times of need, you will increase us and our children, and you have given us a good place to live in - here on earth. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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