
Oct 14, 2010 Esther 9-10

Today we finish the book of Esther. Tomorrow we begin Ecclesiastes and a week or so later Song of Solomon. Then we finish off the month of October reading 2 Peter.

First I am so happy, along with the rest of the world, that the 33 miners in Chili are back home safe and sound. They will need our prayers in the coming weeks as they heal mentally and physically from this ordeal.
And today - in the book of Esther we read of a happy ending - Esther finds favor with the King and helps her people from being annihilated. What rejoicing must have occurred after the decree was modified! Instead of being killed, the Jews could kill if necessary to protect their family.  So lets begin and finish reading this wonderful story. And yes I believe its a true story!

Chapter 9 Verses 1-5 The edict Haman had proclaimed and approved by the King stated that on the 13th day of the 12th month comes to pass. King Xerxes could not undo his decree but he made a new decree stating that the Jews could protect their families. So, on this date the Jews banded together to fight those who hated the Jews, and some did hate them.  However, many didn't or feared the Jews so they were spared. Mordecai was also prominent in the palace so many knew of him and knew he was also a Jew.

Verses  6-10 The Jews killed 500 men in 2 days in the citadel, and Haman's 10 sons, but did not take any plunder. This indicates that the Jews weren't out for any gain, they simply wanted to protect their families and what they owned.

Verses 11-17 King Xerxes asks Queen Esther what else he can do for her, and she says she wants all the enemies of the Jews killed. Here it says the 10 sons of Haman were hanged. Many more enemies were killed.

Verses 18-19 a new festival was created - Purim - to help future generations of Jews remember this event. This was a 2 day event with feasting and celebration, and giving one another gifts.

Verses 20-32. Moredica writes down the events and declares this festival to be held annually so they will remember this event. Esther gives her support of this event too. Both letters go to all 127 provinces so everyone will know about this.

Chapter 10 Verses 1-3 This is a very short chapter. King Xerxes makes Mordecai second in command. He was held in high esteem because he worked for the good of the people, and spoke up for the welfare of the Jews.

Father God - we thank you today for the lives of the 33 miners, the whole world watched this happy ending.
I hope this event will soften our hearts towards other nations. I also thank you for this wonderful story of saving the Jewish nation from destruction through the wise upbringing of Esther through her cousin Mordecai. Only you Lord could orchestrate these events to turn out as they did. This gives us hope that you too can pull us up out of impossible situations, and give you the glory. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


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