
Oct 15, 2010 Ecclesiastes 1-2

Today we begin a new book of the bible. Ecclesiastes is located just past Psalms and Proverbs. Solomon is the author of this book. The purpose of the book written for future generations - to spare them from knowing of the emptiness of our life on earth without knowing God.  God gave Solomon everything he wanted when he became King. Solomon asked for wisdom, and God gave him that and much more.  Solomon as many of us do, veered off course - found some earthly pleasures and learned later that these are for a fleeting moment fulfilling but a relationship with God is everlasting. Some of this will be heavy reading - but we need to read through and find out what Solomon's concluding remarks are.

Chapter 1 The first two chapters of this book is about Solomon's personal experiences.

Verses 1-2 - Meaninglessness, meaninglessness, utterly meaninglessness, everything is meaninglessness says the teacher Solomon. This statement is written to bring us to our attention, that life is meaningless without God.

Verses 3-11 To me this looks like it was written like a poem.  Solomon is recounting his life. We do the same things day in and day out and it all means nothing. The streams always flow into the sea but the sea never fills up.  In verses 8-11 man wonders about the drudgery of life. We do the same thing over and over and over. I know at times we wonder about the purpose of life. Verse 10 says "Look there is something new!" We see this on tv daily, an advertisement for something new that you just have to have! And we hear this so much nothing seems exciting anymore. Yes, we run out and buy the latest "whatever" and the thrill quickly goes away, only to search for the next latest and greatest toy.

We try to tell our children the pitfalls of life, but they don't listen to us. They have to learn some things for themselves. I have 6 young grandchildren, and I try to protect them from getting hurt, and child proofing my home. I have this big ugly square oven pad duct taped to the edge of my counter ledge that juts out as you enter into the kitchen. Why, because I have a little grandson who doesn't think to look up when he comes running around the corner into my kitchen, and he will bang his little forehead on the counter top! Two other grandchildren have had this happen to them. My hope is that he will "see" the oven pad hanging down in his line of vision, and avoid running into the counter top.  So this is an easy fix. Sometimes our children choose not to listen and get hurt, sometimes they get hurt because they just don't know any better. But still we want to protect them from all harm.

Verses 12-15 The teacher Solomon writes about what he has learned. He devoted himself to study, and to explore wisdom here on earth. All of what he has learned is meaninglessness.

Chapter 2 Solomon writes about pleasures being meaningless

Verses 1-3 Solomon tests the various pleasures in life. Enjoy the "good" things in life, laughter, wine and folly.
Now I have to admit it is good to share a funny moment and have a good laugh with friends or family. In fact I think it is necessary. So I am going to assume that the laughter was at other people's expense or not g rated family values kind of laughter. I like the NLT version in verse 3 " And while still seeking wisdom, I clutched at foolishness" This is an AHA statement for me.  We know that God can give us everything we could possibly ever want - and look at what God gave Solomon - but yet we still yearn for man's foolish endeavors.

Verses 4-9 Solomon describes all that he has done in his life, planted orchards, built reservoirs for the trees, had male and female servants, huge flocks of animals, more gold and silver than anyone previously in Jerusalem. And his wisdom (God) stayed with him.

Maybe we should define what wisdom is. Proverbs 1:7 NIV " The fear of the Lord is the beginning of of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline."  In fact the whole book of Proverbs talks about wisdom. For me - the definition of wisdom means to understand the facts, and then applying what we know that will be pleasing to God.

Here is a simple example of what I believe wisdom is. One of the 10 commandments says thou shalt not lie. Well, its a gorgeous fall day today, so I think I will call in sick (a lie) so I can take a long walk at a nature preserve instead of working today. I enjoy photography and I could take my camera with me and take some awesome pictures, maybe one photo will be SO fantastic that I can sell this picture and become famous and make so much money that I can retire from work! OK back to reality - I know this is a fun but foolish idea. But seriously - some people would really call in sick to go take a nature hike. It's also selfish idea because others depend on me to do my job, and it affects them when I'm not there, they may have to do my job and theirs when I am not at work. Worse case scenario -  if my boss finds out - I could be fired for lying!  Now there is nothing wrong with enjoying a pretty fall day and taking a long hike, but if you really want to take a nature hike, plan ahead and take a vacation day. Thank goodness the weather man is promising great weather this weekend so I CAN go take some cool and awesome pictures.

Verses 10-11. Solomon did everything he set out to do, and at the end of his days life was meaninglessness.
We should remember to keep everything in perspective. For some their career is their life's work. I have heard many say when people reflect upon their life they regret not spending more time with their family, and enjoying life more. If you are like this - pray and ask for God's wisdom on how to balance your life.

Verses 12-16 Solomon realizes that whether we are wise or foolish, at the end of our lives we will both die. So why are we here? The all important question that wanders through our minds at times. Not an easy thought  is it?  In Genesis God said "Let us create man in our image"  God created the earth for us, he wanted a relationship with us. Life here on earth is like a life long CSI quest. Who, what, why, where and when.  God gives us the road map and lots of love and guidance. At the end of our lives we will advance to heaven.

Verese 17-24 This is heavy stuff. Solomon has worked hard all his life, only to hand it over to the next generation who didn't have to work to earn what Solomon worked so hard for. Its like hearing stories of people who win the lottery and later you learn that many have filed bankruptcy be cause they didn't know how to spend the money wisely. I think as adults we have learned the wisdom of appreciating what we have more when we had to work for it. I remember getting my first 2 wheel bike. My grandmother promised to buy my bike for me when I had saved up half the money towards purchasing the bike. She taught me a valuable lesson on working towards the goal and the pleasure of completing the task. Solomon worked hard but even a fool can find ways to feed and cloth himself.

Verse 26 God gives wisdom to those who ask for wisdom, knowledge and happiness. The sinner - God gives him the task of gathering and storing of wealth to those who please God. This too is meaningless. What does this mean? Maybe those who love God find fulfillment in what they do but to a foolish man its drudgery? Something to ponder on ....

Father God, Solomon discusses some really difficult meanings of what life is all about. I think what Solomon is trying to say is that we end up at the same finish line (earthly death) no matter how we get there. I pray that you are will be our guiding light, that wisdom gently whispers in our ear and we hear what she has to say. We ask that as we mature and grow in our faith, that we can pass on down to the next generation what we have learned so that our labors will not be in vain.  We desire that our children avoid the pitfalls of foolishness. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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