
Oct 27,2010 Song of Songs Chapter 8:5-14

Good morning! We finish up Song of Songs today.  But first - my son - my baby - is 32 years old today! He has grown in to a fine young man. Daddy of 4, loves his wife, has his own business. Next - it was a stormy day in the midwest. We had a bad storm system roar through Indiana and other states. There were 3 small tornadoes in the area - fortunately no one was hurt but there was building damage done.  Unusual weather here for November. Lets finish chapter 8. Tomorrow we begin in II Peter.

Verses 5-14
Verses 5-7 discuss saving oneself until they are married. This is a precious gift of love to give to your spouse. There are four points to love in these verses.

1. Its a seal to our heart
2. Love as as strong as death - it is permanent
3. Love cannot be extinguished
4. Love cannot be bought or sold, its a precious gift.

We can equate this to both our spouse and with God.

Verses 8-9
These verses discuss protecting a young girl and prepare her for marriage, and keeping pure until her wedding day.

Verses 10-14 finishes the lover for one another, to be freely given not forced. And they both desire each other. I love a good love story and this the best.

Father God today we thank you for the pleasures of marriage. We ask that you keep our marriages safe from all temptation. We ask too that our youth stay pure until they marry, both our sons and our daughters. We ask that you give us wisdom to help instruct our children how to stay pure in this today's society.  And we ask for your mercy and healing grace for any past sexual sins or abuse. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

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