
Oct 4, 2010 2 Chronicles 31:2-32:33

I am still behind on my blog. Its really Oct 6.  This is kind of like live television.Uncut and unedited.  Baring of my soul trying to read the bible daily. I am sharing this because I hope that what I write will encourage others to just keep trying!  I was unemployed for almost 2 years. When I started this blog in August it was easy to spend a good hour a day writing. I had no place to go most days so it was easy to work God into my schedule. I started a job a few weeks ago and I am still struggling with the timing of writing this blog. I have concluded I am at my best in the early morning, not so good when I get home in the afternoon, and horrible at concentrating in the evening. NOW I am beginning to understand the kings in 2 Chronicles. They depend on God when they first become king - if they even do that - but they fall into a routine of fame and fortune and leave God behind in the dust. I do NOT want do that. I need to put God first in my life whether or not I have a busy schedule. I am contemplating get up an hour earlier than I normally do to fit God into my current life.

And now for the REALLY exciting news ..... the twins will be coming home soon! Hailey could come home Saturday, Brooklynn may come home Saturday or a couple days after that.  The doctor said they would be in NICU for 4 weeks and they are coming home in 3 weeks. Praise God!  The bad news is - they have to be very careful with germs - so grandparents won't get to spend cuddle time with them for a while.  I am disappointed but having healthy babies is most important. They will be ok getting all their TLC from Mom and Dad.

Chapter 31

Verse 1 After the Passover had ended, the Israelites destroyed the idols in the land. Then the Israelites returned home. I wonder if our idols today would be so easy to tear down. We have cell phones, ipods, cable tv with hundreds of channels, money, power, lovers, the list goes on and on. I think in today's society it just quitely permiates our lives kind of like putting a frog in a pot and gradually turning up the heat until it boils to death. I love my pc and I'm afraid to get a newer cell phone that I can text, surf the net and take pictures with. I would be glued to it 24/7! So yes - we need to tear down all barriers that will take away our focus from God.

Verses 2-3 Hezekiah assigns the priests to return to the duties they should be doing according to the law.

Verses 4-5 Hezekiah orders the people to tithe and bring their portion to the priests. Today we give freely to God, some are blessed and can give much more than 10 percent. The purpose is to give with the right attitude, a cheerful heart. And if married - whatever is mutually agreeable.

Verses 6-10 The people brought in so much from all their tithes, that there was a great abundance left over. Part of the tithes were to pay for the priests and they had been neglected for many years, now they received much more than they could ever use. This shows the power of God when he blesses he gives in abundance.

Verses 11-19 Hezekiah wisely assigns priests to account for all the tithes that are received. He does not want anything given to God to go waste or not used for its intended purpose.

Verses 20-21 Hezekiah was a godly man. He did everything he should do - the temple was functioning as it should, he walked with the Lord and God blesses him prosperity.

Chapter 32

Verse 1 Sennacherib, King of Assyria, prepares to attack Judah.  This is a reminder that even though we are faithful to God, bad things will happen to us. Our reaction to bad things is observed from others. My daughter for example had drifted from God. She still believed but wasn't really walking with him. A co-worker got cancer and he is a Christian. She watched how he handled this disease and she returned to the church. Her co-worker is fine now. Now we hate to see another person suffer, but sometimes it is used as a witness to others.

Verses 2-8 Hezekiah sees that the Assyrian army is camping around his country, so he begins preparation for war. Notice he stops water flowing to the camps and he fortifies his cities. Then Hezekiah tells his army to be strong and courageous. One of my favorite verses in the bible comes from Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." This is pretty much what Hezekiah tells his troups.

Verses 9-19 Sennecherib sends servants to Hezekiah asking him if he really wants to fight this powerful army. He cites what has happened to other nations. And they go further saying the other nations gods could not protect them from their army. They continue to say that Hezekiah has taken away high places to worship and only worship in one location. They are trying to build an argument that maybe Hezekiah isn't quite following God in worship and strength. The devil is cunning, and can build a good argument against God. This is what is happening here.

Verses 20-23 Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah pray to God, and God destroys the Assyran army and they return home in shame. Hezekiah is known through out the land for being powerful.

Vereses 24-26 Later on, Hezekiah becomes sick. He prays to God, God gives him a sign but he ignores the sign. The sign is the retreating sun dial found in 2 Kings 20:8-11. Hezekiah apologizes and God forgives him.

Verses 27-33 The end of Hezekiah's life. God blessed him with much. Hezekiah was faithful to God, he may have erred a few times as we all do. He dies and his son  Manesseh becomes king.

Father God, thank you for showing us how godly leadership works through Hezekiah. He restores the Passover, rebuilds the temple, instructs his people to give to you, and he makes sure that tithes are properly administered. Not only do we worship but we need to do the administrative part of the church behind the scenes. This is all a part of serving you  God. We thank you today for our talents, some of us are gifted with administration, some with worship, some with teaching, and others. We ask that we use our talents wisely.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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