
Oct 21, 2010 Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:14

Today we finish up Ecclesiastes.  Solomon received wisdom and wealth from God when he became king. He had all that he could ever want but he sought after what the world had to offer him. At the end of his life he realizes that God's wisdom is wiser than mans. This book has been written so future generations won't make the same mistakes he has. It is never too early or too late to turn to God.

Chapter 11
Verses 9-10 Solomon's advice to young people - be happy, enjoy life in a good and wholesome way.  Follow your heart, with God's help.  Don't worry. Youth and vigor eventually go away but God is with us forever.

Chapter 12

Verses 1-5 When we are young it is good to have God in our lives, for when we walk with God we will avoid many pitfalls in life. Yes, we will still face adversity but our attitudes will be different. We all become old and weak, and we die. When we walk with God we will rest in our eternal home.

Verses 6-8 Life without God - everything that happens in our lives is useless, meaninglessness.

Verses 9-14  The conclusion

The teacher was wise, and he sought wisdom, sought proverbs - searched for just the right words to tell his students - us. What he wrote was upright and true.

A Goad is a sharp metal tip attached to a handle and used to keep oxen or cattle moving. These words are like a goad to keep us moving in the right direction in life.

The conclusion - Fear God and keep his commandments. For God will judge every deed we have done whether it is good or evil.

Father God, Solomon was brutally honest in this book of the bible, searching God's way and searching Man's way. We may think that way back in biblical times they didn't have the same sufferings we do, but they do. We may have more technology but our life is still difficult. We have relationship problems, temptations, wealth, not enough wealth, good and bad rulers/employers, sickness. The list goes on. But with your help Lord you arm us with wisdom, grace and dignity to endure whatever happens to us. We thank you for wanting us to be with you. I am having trouble putting the right words on paper. I know you know what is in my heart. I love you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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