
Oct 26, 2010 Song of Songs 6:4-8:4

Tomorrow will be our last day in this book of the bible. On the 28th we will begin to read II Peter, then Nov 2 and 3 Jude, then back to the old testament - the book of Daniel for a couple of weeks.

Chapter 6

Verse 4 - the lover speaks to his bride as being as beautiful as Tirzah, and this is a city 35 miles northeast of Jerusalem and its name means pleasure or beauty.

Verses 5-9 and again more visuals about how beautiful the lover was to him. Solomon had many wives but she seemed to be his favorite, his first wife.

Verses 10-13 He is continually drawn to her.

Chapter 7 This is beautifully written about two lovers enjoying each other sexually. Mandrake is a fragrant rare plant.

Chapter 8

Verses 1-4 In Solomon's era it was not proper to display affection in public, but she wishes she could.

Father God, it is good to know that we can enjoy our partner for a lifetime. On a spiritual level we ask that our relationship with you will be just as passionate, that we will never take our focus off of you and seek earthly ways. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

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