
Oct 17, 2010 Ecclesiastes 4:9-6:12

Today we continue our study in Ecclesiastes - life is meaningless without God.

Chapter 4
Verses 9-12 Two are better than one. A cord of three is not quickly broken. God created us for relationships. Life is much more pleasant when we work together and play together. I struggle somewhat with this. I enjoy being alone, but there are times I like to be with others. My friends share the same Christian values as me, and that is very important to me. I am divorced, and sometimes find being single selfish at times. I come and go as I please, I enjoy the "no conflict" of not living with someone else but yet there are times I yearn to have someone to confide in, take a walk with, or help with major decision making events in my life. So yes, having a companion is important. Be open to relationships that are God honoring.

Verses 13-16 The author warns of advancement in our career as our only goal in life. Seeking power and gain in the end is like chasing after the wind. It is a fleeting moment.  Seeking God first in our lives is eternal.

Chapter 5

Verses 1-7.  My bible says this section has in italics - Stand in awe of God. I remember as a child that going to church was a very reverent place. I thought I might be zapped or something if I walked up to the alter, would never ever play there!  It was God's house. Sometimes I wish I had a little of that "awe-ness" of God back. Do not spout a lot of nonsense in the presence of God, keep your words few. If we make a vow to God, treat it seriously and follow through. Its better not to make a vow you can't keep than try to make a vow then not be able to keep it.

Verses 8-12 discusses how wealth is meaningless. And it is so true, the more we have the more we want. We are never satisfied with what we have. We appreciate things more when we work hard for them.

Verses 13-15 For we are born naked and we leave the world naked. What should our legacy be? Known for our wealth or known for our character? I remember my great-grandfather and great-grandmother and I have passed on stories about them to my grandchildren. Maybe even great grandchildren if God blesses me with a long life. Now that gives pause for thought doesn't it? Long after we die our family will remember us. Wealth can ruin a man if he isn't wise with it. That would be a character flaw.  I have seen families argue over inheritances. There is nothing wrong with money - what is wrong is making money the number one focus in our lives.

Verses 16-19 Man toils no matter his lot in life, life is not easy.  We are to be happy with whatever God gives us. Some he does bestow much money to us.We can accept our wealth with gratitude and not keep it our main focus.

Chapter 6  - the NIV bible states this section (through chapter 8) gives practical counsel. My notes adds that this section discusses injustice in the world.

Verses 1-6 A man has great wealth but does not enjoy it. It could mean that the man died unexpectedly, and didn't get to enjoy the fruits of his labors. Or it could mean he was such a workaholic that he didn't enjoy all that he had. Even sadder - he did not have a relationship with God or man so he was alone.

Verses 7-9 I think verses 7 and 8 refer to our character. And verse 9 - we shouldn't waste time daydreaming.  Its good to set goals, but not unrealistic goals. A good goal for example would be to save up for a home. A bad goal - going deeply into debt to impress other people.

Verses 10-11 In verse 10 no matter what we endure this is nothing new. It is new to us, and God is in control - we need to depend upon him to help us through. Verse 11 - lots of thoughts on this one - I know many who spend way too much time in useless talk about whatever they go through. I am guilty of this myself. There is a fine line between sharing our concerns and talking about ourselves to get undue attention. And if we talk too much no one wants to be around us.  So, ask God for wisdom how to go through our crisis, don't spend all our time with people talking about all that ails us.  Its useless.

Verse 12 Who knows what is good for a man and who can tell him what will happen after we die?  We all ask these two questions. Only God can provide these answers about the mysteries of life.

Father God, todays reading we continue to learn that life is meaningless without you. We ask this day that we place you first in our lives and not dwell on earthly things. We also ask that we not be vain and only think of ourselves and our plight when talking with others.  We should care and pray for one another.  In Jesus name we pray, amen.

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