
Aug 17,2010 I Chronicles 25-27

Today we continue planning building the temple, delegating tasks.  Todays chapters delegates the duties of singers, gatekeepers, and army divisions. Open your bible and lets read along.

Chapter 25  The Singers chapter. Verse 1 begins with  "David - together with...."  I like it that David delegates and consults with the experts. It reminds me that it is alright to seek counsel, get opinions, delegate tasks to others. The singers were from the sons of Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun. 288 men were chosen for these tasks.  There is more to the worship service than singing. Some prophesied, some led in thanksgiving and praise, and some played instruments or sang. I am thankful that we have music in the church today. Singing stirs our emotions, allows us to participate in the worship experience. The word prophesy in this verse suggests that the music was inspired by God. Today many churches have worship leaders that lead us in song. The worship leaders coordinate with the minister choosing appropriate music for the sermon of the day.

Chapter 26 The gatekeepers. The gatekeepers were to be from the family of the Korahites.  Gatekeepers were assigned for the north, south, east and west. Next are the treasurers and other officials. The descendants of Ladan were responsible for the treasury. Some of the plunder taken in battle was set aside for the building of the temple. This reminds me that we should set aside money, for giving and saving for the rainy day fund. From the Izharites family officials and judges were chosen. 1700 men were chosen to be responsible for all the work for the kings service west of the Jordan. The Hebronites were in charge of keeping records of genealogy.

Chapter 27 Army divisions.  The army was divided into 12 divisions, with each division responsible for one month of the year. Each division had 24,000 men in their army. Verses 16-22 are the men chosen for the officers of the tribes.  Verse 23 - taking census of men. David only wanted men over the age of 20 because the Lord promised to make Israel as numerous as the stars in the sky. Verse 24 Joab was instructed to count the men but never finished. The book of annals was a historical document of King David, and this is where the count should have been posted. Verses 25-31 is the overseer division, which includes all aspects of growing and storing the crops.

The last few verses of Chapter 27 lists men individually
Jonathan - David's uncle who was a counselor, man of insight and a scribe.
Jehiel took care of David's sons
Hushai was the King's friend
Ahithophel was succeeded by Jehoiada (my study bible notes says this happened after Ahthophel betrayed David).
Joab was the commander of the army.

Father God, we thank you for God's word today as learn about all the jobs that are necessary to efficiently build and run your kingdom. You provide worship and song, armies, administrative tasks, gatekeepers - whatever is necessary to make everything work together for your purpose. We thank you for the talents you have given us. Whatever you have given us is important work for your kingdom. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

1 comment:

Ronna said...

I think you are establishing a habit here! Good for you!!!