
Oct 22, 2010 Song of Songs 1:1-2:7

The bible covers every topic - including sex. God created sex between a husband and wife to bring pleasure and intimacy between them. When we set our minds to being faithful to our spouse, it is a beautiful thing. In today's society we are bombarded with all kinds of sexy images. The ads and tv programs, movies, books, the Internet even the way we dress. And yet sex is a basic need. So how do we channel our sex drive in a God honoring way? By being faithful to our spouse.  So - I have been single 20 years - I was married for 15 years. I miss the sex part of my marriage. As a young person it was a thrill just to hold hands but once you have experienced sex holding hands is no longer a thrill. We want it all. And that is what makes dating so difficult. We know the pleasure sex brings but it is for a fleeting moment. And I as a woman don't want to be lover number 5 or 50 or 500, I want to be that special one person for one man. Well, at 54 that isn't going to happen anymore. I wonder if men think the same way. Men - if you are reading this - would welcome your comments. I can keep your name anonymous, and of course any comments that are offensive will not be published.

A little background - there are 3 characters in this book. The girl who is the beloved, Solomon, and friends. In the opening of Song of Solomon, Solomon sees a beautiful young woman while he is traveling his kingdom.
He goes to her but she is embarrassed and runs away. He can't get her out of his mind, so he disguises himself as a peasant like her and wins over her love.  My bible notes also say the book may not be written in chronological order.

Chapter 1

Verses 1-17. God created love and it is to be enjoyed.  When we are/were dating we loved everything about our beloved. We yearn to be with our lover all the time.

Chapter 2

Verse 1 - Solomon is telling his beloved he loves her. We can never hear I love you often enough.

Verse 16 My lover is mine and I am his. I think that should be the reader's digest version of Song of Songs. Delight in our one and only lover, only have eyes for each other. And we can live knowing that they are our one true lover for ever.

Father God - you created sexual passion between a husband and wife, to be shared exclusively between them. And its a wonderful thing you created. For those who are married I pray that they only see their spouse as a sexual partner. For those who are single I ask that you give us self control to enjoy only with a future spouse. We are bombarded with sexual images all the time, sex sells, its a powerful drive that we all have. We ask for strength to remain faithful to our spouse.  In  Jesus name we pray, Amen.

1 comment:

Ronna said...

and married or single, God is our true husband. We are His bride. Our prince has already come.