
Sept 1, 2010 Psalm 119:49-80

Today's reading is Psalm 119:49-80. We are going to be reading 4 8 verses sections of the Psalms today, as we walk through this longest chapter in the bible. This psalm has 22 sections to it, one for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

Its the first of September - where has the year gone so far? It has flown by! I haven't shared much about myself, but today is a big day in my life :-). My 4 year old granddaughter starts preschool today and I know she is quite excited about going today! She got her hair cut for the first time last week, so I can't wait to see her new look. Her hair was almost down to her waist, and now its shoulder length. The unborn grandchildren twins made it through a slightly bumpy August, so I am thankful that they are still 'in the womb' and doing well. They are due in November but twins usually arrive early. We have been praying they won't arrive way too early. Last but not least I accepted a part time job this morning. I have been unemployed for a while. Any money coming in will be great. Tomorrow is my daughter's birthday - and I love her dearly. So, lots to share today.

Verses 49-56 The psalmist finds comfort walking with God. He ignores what the unbelievers say about him, and is angered by their words, and he keeps his eyes focused on God.

Verses 57-64 The psalmist continues discussing how he follows Gods law. The wicked tempt him with sin but he does not forget God's law. This is important - if we do not daily pray and read the bible we may be tempted to do wrong because we haven't made God a top priority in our life.
When we were new believers we can't get enough learning about God, I pray that I and everyone reading this doesn't become complacent and we eagerly wish to obey and love you. And we are friends with fellow believers. We can hold each other accountable, and support each other as we walk through this life.

Verses 65-72 - The psalmist asks God to teach him knowledge and good judgement. Before he followed God he went astray and he learned that God's way is the best way. Arrogant people smear his name, and are cold and unfeeling. Followers of Christ are not like the arrogant people. We care for one another, as God cares for us.

Verses 73-80 "Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands" I find it fascinating going online and viewing ultrasounds of what my unborn grandchildren look like in the womb, and reading about the development they are at week by week. God has lovingly created these babies. The twins big sister starts preschool today at a church. I am so happy my son and daughter in law chose this place for preschool - she will learn Gods commands and learn to walk in his ways. She will be given the foundation to stay clear of all the temptations that surround us today. And although Im in my 50s now I still desire to learn more about God, know the value of following his commands and walking in his ways. May we as fellow believers join together as we follow your laws.

Father God, I thank you for this good day. Promise of new life, the joy of learning, and the hope that you will be with us through the good and bad. I ask this in Jesus Name, Amen

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