
Sept 9, 2010 Psalms 127-129

We are reading three psalms today. The first psalm is about building a good foundation, the second was often said at Israelite marriages, and the third is about God bringing us through tough times. Lets open our bibles and begin reading.

Psalm 127 - the author for this psalm is Solomon.  Verse 1 - "Unless the Lord builds the house, hits builders labor in vain ...  God should be put first, the cornerstone of our homes, and our countries.

Verse 2  This verse talks about balance between work and home. If we work too hard and never spend time with our families, we are showing a lack of trust that God will provide. Being lazy is not good either. We need to trust that God will provide for all our needs. We need to rest and eat both spiritually and physically to renew our minds and souls.
Verses 3-5 God speaks about the value of having children. They are a heritage from the Lord. Verse 5 "Blessed is the man who whose quiver is full of them."  

Psalm 128 This is a great little psalm!  Verse 1"Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways"
Fear means being in awe - having honor and respect.  The man who fears the Lord will be blessed with a good home, and good children.  We will eat the fruit of our labor and be prosperous.

Verses 5-6 When we fear the Lord we will see prosperity, and may we live to see our grandchildren. 

Psalm 129 Verses 1-2 The psalmist was oppressed in his youth and overcame them. He was not defeated. Let us remember this - that bad things may have happened to us in our past, and they were bad, but through the help of Christ we were able to over come our adversities.  Yes, I agree we need to grieve the bad things that happen to us, pray, get counseling from a Godly person, and then get over it!  God will deal with those who oppress us. God will deal with our oppression as a person and as a nation.

Father God we thank you today so much for giving us families today. You show us to love you first, by being the cornerstone in our homes. When we follow you we will be greatly blessed. We thank you for our parents who raised us, our spouses, our children.  We ask for confidence today if we are lacking in this. We ask for healing from our wounds, and that you will make us stronger than before. In Jesus name we pray, Amen

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