
Sept 26, 2010 2 Chronicles 17-18

Today we study  King Jehoshaphat, who was a good king.

Chapter 17 Verses 1-4 Jehoshaphat was a godly king, who walked in the footsteps as King David did, and as his father Asa did.

Verses 5-6 Jehoshaphat's kingdom was blessed by God.

Verses 7-10 Jehoshaphat sends his leaders and Levites priests, 16 in all, throughout his nation to teach his people the book of the law.

Verses 11-19 - Other nations gave Jehoshaphat gifts, even the Philistines and Arabians. He grew in wealth. These verses also include what was given to him from the various 12 tribes.

Chapter 18
Verse 1 - Jehoshaphat visits king Ahab. His son marries Ahab's daughter. Now Ahab didn't follow God, so this was probably an unwise move to allow his son to marry Ahab's daughter even if was just for political reasons.

Verses 2-3 Some years later Jehoshaphat went to visit Ahab and while he was there, Ahab asked him if would go into battle to attack Ramoth Gilead.  Jehoshaphat says they have common people so yes he would go with him.

Verses 4-8 Jehoshaphat wants to seek the counsel of the Lord before going into battle. Ahab gathers his prophets but they didn't follow the Lord and told the kings what they felt the kings wanted to hear.  Jehoshaphat wanted to hear from a true priest who would tell them the truth. Ahab hated the prophet because he told Ahab the truth from God. Ahab took out his hatred on men instead of God. The prophet was Micaiah.

Verses 9-11 The kings dressed in their royal robes and went to the gates at Samaria, where many trials were heard. Zedekiah made iron horns and told the kings that the Lord told him that they would fight the Arameans and would win. The other prophets said the same.

Verses 12-15 The king then brings Micaiah. Micaiah was told to agree with the other prophets proclaiming that they would win the battle. And he said this mockingly.

Verses 16-17 Then Micaiah becomes serious and he says he sees Israel scattered as sheep scattered on a hill. They have no master.

Verses 18-22 - Micaiah continues saying he has seen God sitting on the throne with the hosts of heaven sitting on his right and on his left.  God says who will entice the prophets to lie to the kings? The lying spirit says he will. God says to do it - the Lord has decreed disaster.

Verses 23-27 Then Zedekiah walks up to Micaiah and slaps him on the cheek. He asks Micaiah which way did the spirit go when he finished talking to God. And Micaiah responds that he will find out when he goes and hides in his inner room. Ahab has Micaiah put in prison. As Micaiah leaves he tells everyone if they return safely its not because the Lord has spoken through him. And he says Mark my words.

This is quite a story! Grown men who can't stand to hear the truth so they retaliate. I can't imagine watching a grown man - supposedly a man of God - slap another man across the cheek for speaking the truth!  I fear the same happening today in our society. Allowing gay clergy preach when they are not celibate is one example these days. Church denominations are dividing over these issues. As believers we need to stand up and speak the truth even though it may offend those who are sinning. We don't hate the person but we hate the sin they are committing.

Verses 28-29 So Ahab and Jehoshaphat go into battle but Ahab disguises himself. What a coward.

Versese 30-34  The king of Aram tells his commanders to only fight the king. Jehoshaphat sees the warriors coming towards him and pleads for God's help. God rescues him, but Ahab - an arrow hits his shield and mortally wounds him - he dies later in the day.  Jehoshaphat knew he was sinning against God when he went into battle yet he pleaded for help. God rescued him.  Let us remember that we can always depend on God. We may suffer consequences for our sins, but he will take us back.

Father God, today we pray that when you speak to us through your still small voice or through a believer, that we take heed to what is said. Help us to be mature and wise enough to follow your direction even though we don't want to hear what you have to say. Today we read about King Jehoshaphat who mostly followed you, but he found it easier to stray than to stay true to you Lord. I ask that we chose our friends and peers wisely - ones who will help hold us up and not tear us down. We thank you for the bible to read your words by, and being able to pray to you directly, and we ask that we trust that your words are the only true words to believe in. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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