
Sept 30, 2010 2 Chronicles 24

Today we learn that when we go to church and learn from ministers and teachers it helps us stay true in our walk with the Lord.  We also need an accountability partner. Joash was only 7 years old when he became king. He ruled for 40 years and he walked with the Lord as long as Jeioada was the priest. So lets read through Chapter 24 together to learn about Joash.

Chapter 24 Verses 1-3 Joash reigned for 40 years. Jeioada found two wives for Joash, finally a king marries a woman of his own faith, not women who worship false gods.  When I say faith, I mean the followers of God. 

Verses 4-7 Joash had a heart for the Lord so he goes about rebuilding the Temple of the Lord according to the laws that Moses commanded. And he took out any false gods such as baal worship from the temple.

Verses 8-14 Joash has a chest made in front of the temple, so that people could give towards the rebuilding of the temple.  I noticed in this section that Joash didn't take out a loan to fix the temple. They refurbished the temple as funds came in. In fact there was an abundance of money that was donated.  This is a reminder to me that saving up and paying cash is a greater blessing than going into debt. Our whole world has been in a recession the past couple of years because of poor banking decisions. What is written in the bible is not old stuff - its message is timeless and applies to us today. I paid off my car recently. Its a great feeling to have it paid off.  Fortunately my car still runs great, and my long term goal is to save up for the next car. That would be awesome to pay cash for the next car. I might add - when I bought this car it was 3 years old - and I have had no regrets buying a "gently used" vehicle.  I bought what I could afford and it was a wise decision. 

Verses 15-16 The priest Jeioada dies at the ripe old age of 130! God blessed him with a long life. He was buried with the kings in Jerusalem because he had done so much good for the nation.  

Verses 17-19 After Jeioada dies, Joash listens to leaders of Judah who did not walk with the Lord and he follows them in with their evil ways.  I had a long talk with a good friend about this last night.  Why do Christians make friends with people who don't have the same values as us, and instead of us building them up, they tear us down?  I know many Christians who admit they don't have any non-Christian friends and feel a little guilty about this. Maybe its not such a bad thing. Maybe it is. Maybe the true answer is - and this is hard to say - maybe our faith is shallow and we just follow whatever seems good at the moment.

So my prayer for today is Lord let us REALLY establish deep roots. Lets stop right here and read the first 3 verses of  Psalm 1 and meditate upon these words.

Psalm 1
1Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.
2But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
3He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.


Verses 20-22 Zechariah, son of Jeioada, the Lord speaks to him, and he tells Judah that since the nation has turned their backs from God, he will forsake them. This angers the people so they go to the king and he agrees to have Zehariah stoned. 

Verses 23-27 The Syrians come to battle Judah and they destroy all the leaders. Joash is wounded and his servants kill him. Joash is not buried with other kings.

Father God, we learn today that we must be ever diligent with our walk with you. I ask that we grow deep roots in our faith. Read the bible, attend church, have mentors, and pray. And we plead that we never stray from you. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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