
Sept 27, 2010 2 Chronicles 19-20

Hello, I am a day behind and I'm going to try to catch up tonight. I am taking the advice of my friend and write daily, instead of cramming everything in over the weekend, and then posting daily.  I started a part-time job on Sept 13 and it has turned out to be close to full-time, so I have a little "time management" to work out. But as we are learning in 2 Chronicles when the Kings do not put God first in their life they get into some pretty big messes. So, let that be a lesson to me, and to everyone reading this,  that I should strive to put God first even when I have a busy schedule :-).

Chapter 19 In this chapter we learn a little how to be a good leader.

Verses 1-3 Jehoshaphat returns home safely from his battle. Jehoshaphat is mostly a good king, loves the Lord, but we read in the last chapter that he went to war with Ahab, they foolishly didn't listen to the wise counsel of God, Ahab was killed. Jehoshaphat was spared death.  Jehu - who was a seer - came to Jehoshaphat to tell him why did he go help the wicked, those who hate God? The wrath of God is now upon Jehoshaphat. But God sees some good in Jehoshaphat because he got rid of some of the idols. This was to encourage Jehoshaphat with his final comment.

Verse 4  Jehoshaphat went out among his kingdom and returned his people back to the Lord.

Verses 5-11 What a gem of wisdom in these verses! Jehoshaphat appoints judges in cities through out the land. He instructs the judges to consider carefully what they do because they are judging for the Lord, who is with them where ever they go. Fear the Lord - which means to have awe and respect for the Lord. Judge carefully because the Lord is not partial. Jehoshaphat also selected some of the Levite Priest sand family heads to settle disputes. And he tells them to serve faithfully and fear the Lord. Amaraiah is the chief priest over all concerning the Lord. Zebadiah will be over all concerning the king, and the Levites will serve as officials.  I love the last line - Act with COURAGE and may the Lord be with those who do well.

Chapter 20. In this chapter Judah was at war. The Moabites, Ammonites and some Meunites came to battle Jehoshaphat.

Verse 2-4 some men came to Jehoshaphat to tell him the army was coming. Jehoshaphat was alarmed and called upon the Lord. He proclaimed a fast for all of Judah.

Verses 5-12 Jehoshaphat prays before the assembly. He recounts the history of his people and how God has protected them in the past. He asks God for protection from this vast army, for he did know what to do.

Verse 13 All the men, wives children and little ones stood before the Lord.

Verses 14-19 The Lord speaks through Jahaziel, son of Zechariah. The Lord says do not be afraid or discouraged. The battle is not yours but Gods. He instructs them where to go, do not be afraid, face them tomorrow. The Lord will be with you. I pray for anyone reading this today as they face a fierce battle, that they will not be afraid but feel at peace for God is with you as you walk through troubled times.

Verses 20-30. On the morning of the battle, they went to the place they were to go.They sang "Give thanks to the Lord, for his loves endures forever"  While they sang, the Lord set ambushes against the warriors, and they were all killed. When Judah arrived everyone was dead, and they took the plunder. It took 3 days to collect the plunder. They joyfully returned to Judah. Other nations feared the Lord, so Judah lived in peace.

Verses 31- 34. The end of Jehoshaphat's life. He ruled for 25 years.  He walked in the ways of the Lord and did not stray from him. Not everyone in the kingdom however followed the Lord.

Vereses 35-37 Jehoshaphat made an alliance with Ahaziah, and evil man. Why I ask? I guess it shows the human nature of man, we do slip and fall at times. So they have ships and the ships wreck. God allows the ships to wreck out of mercy - so that he will not commit to anymore foolishness. That gives one to ponder doesn't it? God allows disaster so we won't have more disasters.

Father God - we read today how a faithful King walks with you. He wisely taught his people about you, put leaders into place that followed your commands and judged as if it was you. He came to you when he faced battle and you delivered him. Today I ask that I have the faith of Jehoshaphat. When I sin I pray that my mind and heart be open to hear your word and accept any punishment. I know when I slip and fall I can return to you and be a faithful follower of you Lord. I pray for courage as we go through battles. I pray for faith, hope and trust to be your ever faithful servant. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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