
Sept 24, 2010 2 Chronicles 13-14

We officially began the fall season yesterday. The harvest moon was gorgeous last night! Its been unusually warm here in Indiana. I am ready for some cooler fall days, watching the leaves turn beautiful shades of oranges, reds and yellows. The farmers have their crops mostly in now. I hope and pray that my little blog has helped bring in the harvest of more fully understanding God both to myself and to those who are reading along.

Chapter 14 Abijah is now the king of Judah. Just a little review here .... We read in the last couple of chapters that the kingdom of Israel became divided because Rehoboam - and Isreal - fell away from God. 2 Chronicles does not go into detail about the events of rulers during this time period, but focuses on God's relationship with them. Other books in the old Testament focus on events, in 1 and 2 Kings, and I think 1 and 2 Samuel too. As we read through the next few chapters we read about the kings, and how their sin or devotion to God affects their nation.

Verses 1-2 Abijah becomes king after his father Rohaboam died. He was ruler for 3 years. We read a couple chapters ago that Abijah was not the oldest son or Roaboam, but his mother was Roaboam's favorite wife so that is how he was chosen king. Now that would cause some family friction wouldn't you think? Note - stay faithful to one spouse and love your children equally.

Verses 2b-3 Abijah goes into battle against Jeroboam, and he only has half as many men as Jeroboam.

Verses 4-12 As these two armies prepare to go into battle, Abijah tells Jeroboam that they have turned their back against God. Even the priests and Levites came to Judah.
In verse 5 God gave a covenant of salt to David. David Guzik's commentary says three things about the covenant of salt.  1. It is a pure covenant. Salt is a pure compound, it never changes. 2. Its an enduring covenant - salt makes things preserve and endure. 3. It was a valuable covenant. Salt was expensive in the time that 2 Chronicles was written. Jeroboam was a descendant of David but rejected him. To be fair, Rohaboam wasn't much better but at least they made feeble attempts to worship God. Verse 9 - Jeroboam appointed priests instead of using God's appointed priests.   Abijah finishes his speech by saying that Jeroboam going into battle with Judah is fighting against the Lord.

Verses 13-18 - while Abijah gives his speech, Jeroboam prepares an ambush against Judah. When they see what is happening, they cried out to God and the priests blew their trumpets. God routed Jeroboam before Abijah. The Israelites fled, and God delivered them to Judah's hands.  500,000 of the 800,000 Israelites men were killed. The men of Judah were victorious because they relied on God.

Verses 19-22.  Jeroboam did not regain power during the time of Abijah, and he died. Abijah however grew in strength. He had 14 wives, 22 sons and 16 daughters.

Chapter 14 King Asa. Asa began his reign obeying God. He had anger issues and this led to part of his downfall.

Verse 1-6 - Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of God. He removed pagan altars. The nation is at peace. This story line is starting to sound familiar. New king follows God. Gradually drifts away. I am waiting for a happy ending, but we aren't going to get a happy ending with this king. I remember when my second child was born I promised myself I would be a better parent, be more patient, not yell at him, etc. I wonder how long that lasted?  We have good, even great intentions. But then we get comfortable - complacent. We don't even realize we are backsliding. But we do.

Verse 7 - Asa builds up the towns on the outer limits of their territory. It is good to prepare for coming bad times.

Verses 8-15 Asa has armies from the tribes of Benjamin and Judah.
Zerah the Cushite comes to do battle with Asa's army, and Zerah's army is much larger than Asa's. Asa prays to God for help defeating Zerah's army and God listens and not only do they defeat Zerah but they press forward and the men of Judah carry off a lot of plunder (possessions). They destroyed villages around Gerar, for the inhabitants  had left because they were terrified of what God had done to their army.

Father God, we are reading the history of the kings ruling over Israel and what type of relationship each king has with you Lord. I am seeing the same story line over and over, Kings worship and honor you for a while and then they drift away during times of peace and prosperity. God, our nation (USA) is a very wealthy nation compared to most of the world. I pray that while we have much we do not forget that you are the one who blessed us and our nation. Please let us not forget you are the most holy and we should place you first in our lives, not all the worldly goods we have around us. Let us not become complacent and then have us and our nation judged. For those who may read this of the world, we pray for peace among all nations. We plead for your mercy Lord, In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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