
Sept 2, 2010 Psalm 119:81-104

We continue studying Psalms 119 today. It is raining this morning. We had the driest August in over 100 years last month. I hope today's reading of the Psalms is as refreshing as the morning rain we are receiving today.

Verses 81-88 The Psalmist sounds weary in this section. His enemies have beaten him down, but he still hopes for the Lord's rescue. We have all experienced times in our lives when we feel beaten down, and God seems far away. And when the storm of our life passes, we see that God has been faithful to us. Others are watching us as we walk through troubling times. Our character may change another person's life. We can also minister to those going through similar trials because we understand what they are going through. We will be blessed for remaining steadfast in God's ways.

Verses 89-96 Verse 91 says "Your Laws endure to this day" This was written over 2000 years ago, and we can still say the same today! My children are in their 30s now and they closely monitor what their young children watch on TV. Cartoons today send out all kinds of negative messages and values. And the commercials! The grandkids watch lots of children's movies to bypass all the advertising. The psalmist says in verse 92 that he would have died in his afflictions if he had not followed God's law. Let us guard our hearts and minds from what the world is trying to sell us. Focus on what is good and right and just, and tune out the worldly ways. Verse 96 in the NLV says "even perfection has limits but your commands are boundless". Your ways are better than our ways.

Verses 97-104 Verse 97 begins with "Oh how I love your law ...." And it is so true. Your commands are wiser than any mans. I have on and off read a chapter of Proverbs a day. Each time I read from Proverbs a passage jumps out at me. I have learned how to conduct myself in all areas of my life, relationship building in my personal life and in business, how to manage money, etc. God gave us the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth - the bible. I like that!

Father God, we thank you for the cleansing rains today. We ask that we can come before you, clear our minds of all the things we need to do today, and give you our undivided attention for a few moments. Yes, the dryer just buzzed, but its towels so they can wait. I have so many distractions in my life Lord. The words that the psalmist wrote are so true today. We long and need to meditate on your words, your law, your love for us. I desire to know you more. Turn down the dryer buzzer, the tv, the radio and listen for your still small voice. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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