
Sept 10, 2010 Psalm 130-131

Good morning! I love the cooler fall days. Today is one of them. Yesterday I went to the Grabill Fair with a friend. I love the fall festivals!  While we were there, my friend spotted a Nike baby shoe on the ground. She said we need to take this to the lost and found box because the parents will be looking for this shoe. So, we slowly walked towards the information booth while we looked at all the crafts booths venders were selling. We finally arrived at the information booth. She put the shoe in the lost and found box and immediately we saw a man take the shoe out of  the box, hold it up and say "Wait - we found your shoe!" Well, there was the Mon, Dad and a little toddler sitting in his stroller, his left foot missing a shoe. We got to meet the little guy, and that was kind of neat. We walked away and I said to my friend "That wasn't coincidence." She agreed. God timed our returning the shoe at just the right moment and that we got to meet the owner of the shoe :-). God provides for all of our needs. And sometimes we need to do the right thing and pick up a lost shoe, so that the lost may be found. 

Today we will be reading Psalms 130-131. Please follow along in your bible.

Psalm 130 The theme is assurance of forgiveness.
Verses 1-2 The psalmist is remorseful for sins he committed.

Verses 3-4 NLT "Lord, if you kept a record of our sins, who, Oh Lord, could ever survive? But you offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear you." My hope and prayer is that no one who is reading my blog today fear that they have done something so wrong that God will not forgive them.  God willingly and lovingly allows us to come to him no matter what! If we seek God he will hear our prayer. God doesn't keep record of our sins. Let us humbly remember this, and not keep record of those who have sinned against us.
Verses 5-6 The psalmist waits for the Lord, he puts his hope in God. Verse 6 the psalmist repeats that he waits for the Lord more than the watchman waits for the morning.  This signifies the importance of waiting for the Lord.

Verses 7-8 The psalmist tells us as a community of faith to put our hope in the Lord. God will redeem us of our sins. We have many who pray for our church, our community and for our nation. 

Psalm 131 is a psalm of trust and commitment.
Verse 1 - "My heart is not proud...."  Being prideful makes us think we are better than who we really are. We look down at others.  "I do not concern myself with great matters" speaks of humility. We seek God with the right frame of mind, and content with what God gives us.

Verse 2 - Be still and quiet my soul, like a child who is weaned from his mother. We always need and love God, find comfort from him. 

Verse 3 The psalmist asks that Israel put their hope in God for ever and ever. 

Father God, we thank you for your steadfast and eternal presence, as sure as the rising sun every morning. You have even created the sun.  When we sin, God will forgive us, he will not keep record of our sins. He sent his son Jesus to redeem us from our sins. We ask that we come humbly before you, and not be too proud to come before you.  Your faithfulness brings me comfort during bad times. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.   

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