
Sept 19, 2010 2 Chronicles 5:2-6:11

Today's scripture reading is about dedicating the temple.  It took 7 years to build the temple. I can imagine all the pomp and circumstance that went into the dedication of this temple! What a time of joyful celebration! 

On a side note - my twin grandchildren were born this morning! I don't know their sex or names yet - I won't know until I get the phone call when I can go to the hospital to go see them. Baby A was born at 9:27am and weighed 5 pounds. Baby B was born at 9:38 am and weighed 5 pounds 6 ounces. They were born 7 weeks early so they will spend time in NICU until they are ready to go home. I am so thankful that they are here safe and sound. Mommy is doing well too - babies were born naturally - no  c-section!  So yes, I can imagine the celebration of the new temple being dedicated as we celebrate the lives of two new babies into our family.

Chapter 5 
Verses 2-3 Solomon summons all the elders of Israel and they bring the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem. The priests brought the ark along with the tent it was housed in. The ark was brought in during their annual festival of Shelters, which is held during the fall.

Verses 4-6 The Levites carried the ark into Jerusalem, along with the tent. This was done in accordance with God's law. Then King Solomon sacrificed so many animals no one could count them all. They included cattle, sheep, and goats.

Verses 7-10 The Ark is carried into the innermost sanctuary of the temple called the Most Holy Place. The ark was placed under the wings of the cherubim. 

Verses 11-12 The priests purified themselves, according to law, and the musicians played. The music must have been awesome with 120 trumpets alone! There were also musicians who played cymbals, lyres, and harps, along with singers.

Verse 13 - 14 The singers sang "He is good, his faithful love endures forever".Then a thick cloud filled the temple. 
The priests could not continue the service because the cloud filled the temple - and the cloud is the the Lord.

Chapter 6:1-11 Solomon prays to God, telling him that he has built the temple so God could live there. Then Solomon gives a blessing to the people. Prays that David designed the temple, for the people of Israel. God told David that one of his sons would build the temple to honor him, and Solomon built the temple. 

Father God, today we read about the dedication of a magnificent temple built so you could reside there, amongst your people. We thank you for all the festivals, times to get together and celebrate all that you have done. And today we thank you for the twins being safely born today. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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