
Sept 6, 2010 Psalms 120-121

Yesterday I said we were going to start in 2 Chronicles and I was wrong, we will be in Psalms a few more days then move to 2 Chronicles. Psalms 12-134 are Pilgrim Psalms, ones that people will say while on a journey. So, lets open our bibles and begin

Psalm 120 is a prayer for deliverance from false accusers. Verses 1 and 2, the psalmist calls upon the Lord in his distress for those who say false things about him.

Verses 3-4 God will punish those with lying tongues. 

Verses 5-6 Meshech is north of Israel and Kedar is southeast of Israel. The psalmist is tired of being in distant lands where there is no peace.

Verse 7 The psalmist searches for peace but those around him want war. It is very hard to talk of peace when others want vengeance. We have battles in our own homes, at work, and in our culture. We need to go to the Lord in prayer and ask for his wise counsel to resolve our conflicts.  If others accuse us of untruths, we should let God handle them.

Psalm 121 - This is a familiar psalm to me as I read it, and must admit I don't read the psalms much :-). Since I recognized the words I did a quick search on the internet and found this video.  This video gave me peace, and I hope you will find the same. I look up to the mountains and where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord. He watches over me. He never slumbers or sleeps, he stands by me protecting me, day and night. He protects my life. The Lord keeps watch over me where ever I go.
PS when you finish viewing - click the backspace key on your screen to come back to this page.

Father God we thank you for giving us the Psalms that we can read when we are in distress. We thank you for the creativity of someone who can put your words into a short video that echoes what the psalmist was saying. May we reach out to you for everything for all our distresses in our lives and you bring us peace and comfort. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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