
Sept 8, 2010 Psalms 124-126

Let us prepare our hearts and minds to reading Psalms 124-126 as we read these short pilgrim psalms.

Psalm 124 God delivers us from evil doers. He is on our side.
The psalmist recounts how the Lord has protected the Israelites from the enemy. Verse 4 The psalmist talks about the flood would have engulfed us, this brings the visual of the parting of the red sea for me, as the Israelites flee from Egypt, and Noah's ark.
Verses 6-7 we praise God for protection against harm.
Verse 8 "Our help is in the name of the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth"

Psalm 125 God is our protector
God is strong and trustworthy and cannot be budged, like Mount Zion. Have you ever bought a 40 pound bag of dirt? It doesn't go very far does it? Now imagine how many millions of 40 pound bags of dirt it would take to make a mountain. Unmovable!

Verse 3-5 The wicked will not rule over us forever. There will be times when evil rules over us, but God is ultimately in control, and when he comes again he will rule the earth. God will bless those who do good and banish those who do evil.
"Peace be upon Israel"

Psalm 126 God does great things.
We can rejoice about the great things God has done for us after the storms in our lives. He redeems us shows mercy upon us for the wrongs that we have done. We are broken and God heals us.  We have lost jobs, loved ones have died, endured broken relationships, been sick or injured. We bounce back stronger than ever. Sometimes it is a long journey but when we come out the other side we can rejoice. I have been unemployed a long time, and I accepted a part time job recently, I start Monday the 13th. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Its very faint but its there. I am also getting excited about the twin grandchildren!!! Each day they are in the womb means one day closer to healthier full term babies, less time in hospital.

Father God, the psalms today reaffirm that while we struggle with sin and evil that surrounds us, you are in control. You are strong, you are true, you never sway or turn your back against us. You show mercy upon our nations and upon us.  May we reflect upon our lives today, and see how you have walked beside us and carried us through the bad times. May we give you praise for the good times! In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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