
Sept 20, 2010 2 Chronicles 6:12-42

The twins, who were born yesterday, are two beautiful little girls - Brooklynn Elizabeth and Hailey Lynn.  They were fearfully and wonderfully made - designed by God. We think they are identical twins. They do look a lot alike - except poor Hailey has a bruised forehead from being born. They will probably be in NICU for about a month since they were born 7 weeks early. Mommy is doing great! She will come home tomorrow. It will be tough to go home and have to leave the babies in the hospital.

Today scripture is Solomon's prayer of dedication to the temple.

Verses 12-13 Solomon spreads out his hands in prayer - which was the custom in his day. He had made a bronze platform which was 7 1/2 feet high, 7 1/2 feet wide and 4/12 feet high. He stood on this platform, then he knelt down to pray. Even though he is king he is submissive to God.

Verses 14-15 Solomon begins his prayer thanking God for keeping his covenant with his people who love God. He kept his promise he made to David and to Solomon.

Verses 16-17 Solomon continues his prayer thanking God for keeping his promise that as the Israelites walk in God's ways - there would be a king to rule over Israel.

The following verses are prayers for specific situations that will happen in the future.

Verses 18-21 Solomon asks God for his mercy for his people

Verses 22-23 Prayers for crime and judgement for the one who stole, and retain innocence of the victim.

Verses 24-25 Enemy attacks because Israel sins - ask that when they repent God will return to them.

Verses 26-27 Drought due to sin. When the people return to God, teach them to walk in God's ways and let the rains return.

Verses 28-31 Famine.  Ask for answered prayer when anyone prays to him during bad times such as a famine. Ask for forgiveness for each man who asks, for God knows each man's heart.

Verse 32-33 Foreigners - that they will know you.The temple was for everyone who wanted to pray to God, so that other nations would know God.

Verses 34-39 War. All man sins. When we are at war, Solomon asks that God will hear the prayers of those in battle, and be allowed to return to God.

Verses 40-42 Finally Solomon ends his prayer asking that God's eyes be open and ears attentive to the prayers offered at the temple. He asks God to come to the temple, the priests be clothed in salvation, and the saints rejoice in goodness.  Solomon's last thought is asking God not to reject Solomon but to remember the promise God gave to David God's servant.

Father God, we thank you today for the miracle of new life, and bless these little babies. We thank you for reading today that even great leaders bow before you in prayer. We know God as individuals and as a nation we will sin. As Solomon prayed, we humbly ask this day that when we sin, that you will give us mercy and allow us to come back to you. We thank you that your temple is open to anyone who desires to worship you. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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