
Sept 5, 2010 Psalm 119:153-176

Today, we finish reading Psalm 119, and is also the last day we will be in Psalms for a while. Tomorrow we begin reading 2 Chronicles. King David died at the end of 1 Chronicles, and 2 Chronicles begins with Solomon ruling over Israel. Please follow along in your bible as we finish reading what is on the psalmist's heart today.

Verses 153-160 The psalmist asks God to be delivered from his suffering, because he has been obedient to God and his law. We may suffer because of sin, or because of the sins of others.  We may suffer for our faith. The psalmist asks God to preserve his live according to God's promise (vs 154), according to God's Laws (vs 156) and according to God's love (vs 159). Verse 160 - All of Gods words are true. This is one characteristic of God, he is truthful.  Isn't that a comfort? God never lies. Man does. We can rest assured that God will always be true to us.

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Verses 161-168 The psalmist loves God and God's ways but hates those who persecute him or lie to him.  Those who love God's law will have great peace.

Verses 169-175 The last 8 verses of this psalm! Taking a week to read through this psalm has given me much to think about, and its been good to read the words from another believer, all his fears, confessions, and praise given to God. The psalms were written with much repetition to help the people remember the psalms. I broke out the last 8 verses the psalmist wrote. Wow. The psalmist humbly comes before the throne and petitions his requests before God.

May my cry ..........................Give me understanding of your word
May my supplication/prayer..Deliver me according to your promise
May my lips..........................Teach me you decrees
May my tongue sing .............Your commands are righteous
May your hand.................... .I have chosen to follow your commandments
I long for your salvation.........Your Law is my delight
Let me live............................May your law sustain me
I have strayed.......................I have not forgotten your commands

Father God, May we humbly come before you to gain wisdom and understanding of you and your word. We delight in your laws because you have made them for our benefit. You are our protector and redeemer, we give all our praise to you Lord.  And when we stray, we know that you will allow us to return like a good shepherd finding his lost sheep. We don't deserve it but you love us unconditionally. Sometimes life's temptations are too much for us. But as we meditate on your word we ask that our sins will be come less and less and more like you. In your name we pray, Amen.

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