
Sept 14,2010 Psalm 136

Today we are reading Psalm 136 A popular praise song comes from Psalm 136 "His Love Endures Forever" by Chris Tomlin, and you can listen to this song using this link.


This is responsive type of psalm - the reader speaks the first part and the congregation responds with His love endures forever.

Psalm 136
The psalm begins with us giving thanks for the Lord for he is good in verses 1-3.

Verses 4-9 the psalmist recites the great wonders God has done creating the heavens and the earth.

Verses 10-15 God took the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, he parted the Red Sea so they could escape, and the Pharaoh and his army were swept away in the waters.

Verses 16-22 God led his people in the desert, and when they reached their final destination - he helped them win battles so they could claim their land which was their inheritance.

Verses 23-26 The psalmist recaps everything God has done for us, freed us from slavery, feed us when we were in the desert, and protected us from our enemies.  We give thanks for all that he has done.  God is alive and living today. He continues to help us fight against our enemies. We all have a story to tell, we can look back and thank God for all that he has done for us.

Father God we thank you and praise you that your love endures forever. I praise you as I look out the window this morning and enjoy the quiet stillness of this morning after a restful sleep, and prepare for the hectic day ahead. You created the heavens and the earth in order to love us. You have delivered us from our enemies. Your love endures forever. Let us also love you forever too. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

1 comment:

Ronna said...

He who healed Aiden from disease, He who enabled me to help Annette find peace with Him before her death, He who is the Blessed Controller (not me), He who is my stronghold and my hope, His love endures forever.